Sunday, October 23, 2011
VIJAY HI VIJAY One day workshop was organized for students of SOUTH ZONE on 23rd Oct 2011 at Vivekananda International Foundation(VIF). Students from Sri Venkateswar College, Ramlal Anand College(RLA), Motilal Nehru College, Jesus & Mery College(JMC), Maitreyi College, Atmaram Sanatan Dharm College(ARSD), Gargi College, Kamla Nehru College(KNC), Institute of Home Economics(IHE), IIT Delhi, Furtune Intitute of Business Studies(FIB),PGDAV College, Bharti College, IITM Janakpuri participated in the workshop. Participants were selected through a written test. The workshop was designed with an aim to spread the messages of Swami Vivekananda as a part of the second level test of VIJAY HI VIJAY Youth Campaign. Workshop was full of many activities like, Lectures, songs, Group Discussions(Wake Up India, Enlighten the World), Games, Physical fittness techniques, Presentations etc. The workshop was inuagurated by Mr Mukesh Nigam, Executive Director, Coaching, Indian Railways and Speaker was Dr. S.V.Eswaran, Dean Academics, St. Stephens' College.
Thursday, October 20, 2011
Dr. Pratibha Jolly, Principal Miranda House Inuagurates the VIJAY HI VIJAY WORKSHOP at Sri Ram College of Commerce for North Campus Students on 16th October 2011.
One day workshop was organized for students of North Campus DU on 16th Oct 2011 at SRCC. Students from SRCC, MIRANDA HOUSE, RAMJAS, HINDU, KMC and HANSRAJ College participated in the workshop. Participants were selected through a written test. The workshop was designed with an aim to spread the messages of Swami Vivekananda as a part of the second level test of VIJAY HI VIJAY Youth Campaign. Workshop was full of many activities like, Lectures, songs, Group Discussions(Wake Up India, Enlighten the World), Games, Physical fittness techniques, Presentations etc. The workshop was inuagurated by Dr Pratibha Jolly, Principal Miranda House and Speaker was Dr. S.V.Eswaran, Dean Academics, St. Stephens' College.
Wednesday, August 31, 2011
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) on Vijay Hi Vijay Youth Campaign
Q: What is Vivekananda Kendra?
A: Vivekananda Kendra Kanyakumari is a Spiritually Oriented Service Mission working in various parts of India through its 630 branch centres and projects with the motto of Man Making-Nation Building. Right since its inception in 1972, the Kendra has been working to identify and channelise youth potential into works of national significance with the dynamic idealism of the Patriot Saint Swami Vivekananda.
Q: What is Vijay Hi Vijay Campaign?
A: As a prelude to the Celebration of 150 Years of Swami Vivekananda’s Birth Anniversary in 2013, the Kendra has taken up yet another significant multi-dimensional programme VIJAY HI VIJAY YOUTH CAMPAIGN . A Leadership Training Programme for Ignited Youth.
Q: What is the Objective of VHV Youth Campaign?
A: The Objective of this Campaign are:
# To put on the fire the Ignited Mind of Youth of our beloved nation and to let them know their capacity to express themselves.
# To reveal the national heritage and create awareness among the youth about the glorious culture of India.
# To build organizational and inter-personal skills in the younger generation.
# To motivate the present and coming generation to contribute for the development of the nation and get our nation imprinted as a leader on the globe.
Q: What is the status of VHV Youth Campaign across the country?
A: It is a nation-wide, state-wise project focusing on Degree and Postgraduate students. Thus far the programme has been organised in the states of Rajasthan, Gujarat, Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh, Assam, Arunachal Pradesh & Tamilnadu for the students of higher educational institutions since 2007, where 17,000, 52,000, 50,000, 72,000, 27,000, 7,000 and 35,000 students have participated in respective states.
Q: What is the plan to conduct this VHV Youth Campaign in Delhi and NCR?
A: This year Vijay Hi Vijay Youth Campaign will be held in various higher educational institutions like Delhi University including its 82 constituent colleges, Guru Govind Singh Indraprastha University, Jawaharlal Nehru University, Jamia Millia Islamia University, IIT Delhi, B.R.Ambedkar University, Amity University, Bharati Vidyapeeth University and other institutes in Delhi and NCR. We shall contact nearly 50,000 youths for this purpose. 20 workshops will be organized for more than 5000 students passing the written examination. Finally there will be a five day residential camp for more than 1000 students selected on the basis of their performance in the workshop. This Campaigning will be going on from 15th August to 16th December 2011.
Q: How Many Zones are defined to conduct campaigning in Delhi?
A: Based on the Geographical locations of various Educational Institutions, 20 Zones have been defined to conduct this Campaign. Noida(2), Gaziabad(2), Faridabad(2), Bahadur Garh, Gurgaon(2), East Delhi(2), Central Delhi, South Campus(2), North Campus(2), Rohini, Paschim Vihar, Janakpuri, Dwarka.
Q: How will this VHV Youth Campaign be organized in Delhi?
A: This Campaign is a Four Level process.
FIRST LEVEL: Registration of participants from 15th Aug 2011 to 19th Sept 2011.The participants will be given a Book IGNITED PERSONALITY (English) and TEJASVI VYAKTITWA (Hindi).Registration Fee is Rs 30/-
SECOND LEVEL: Objective type written tests of 100 Questions (both in English and Hindi Medium) of 1 hour duration will be conducted at various colleges and Institutions from 20th September to 30th October 2011.
THIRD LEVEL: Successful Participants Scored minimum 40% marks in written test will be called for a One Day Personality Development Workshop of 6 Hour duration at 20 Zones from 1st October to 30th October(only on Sundays and Holidays).
FOURTH LEVEL: On Successful completion of Workshop selected participants will be called for a 5 Day Residential Camp from 11th December to 16th December 2011, on registration basis.
Q: Where will this 5-Day Residential Camp be Held?
A: The 5-day residential Camp (Mahashivir) with the purpose to develop the personality of the youth to be a good human being and to channelise youth energy for the welfare of the poor and downtrodden will be held in Delhi.
Q: What will be there for youths in 5 Day Residential Camp?
A: The inspirational residential camp has been designed to provide an atmosphere, where youth can explore his/her inherent potentials. It will provide an opportunity to interact with icons of Science, Sports, Defence, Management, Media etc. Group discussions, Presentations, Games, Patriotic songs and Yoga practices will be part of the camp to instil youthfulness among participants. The camp will provide an excellent platform for realizing inherent potentials, team building, development of public speaking skills, and many more.
Q: What will be the contents of the Book IGNITED PERSONALITY & TEJASVI VYAKTITWA?
A: As the name appears, the contents of the book are designed with an aim to orient the reader to be a good human being by making him/her read the life and message of Swami Vivekananda.
Q: How Many Youth will be participating in the 5 Day Residential Camp?
A: Minimum 1000 selected boys and girls will be participating in this camp.
Q: How can I register to Participate in this Campaign?
A: For registration to participate in this campaign you can Contact your College/ Institute Coordinator or contact at the central information cell on 9250884449 or 9999691964.
Q: Is there any deadline for Registration?
A: Yes. Last date of registration for VHV Youth Campaign is 19th September 2011.
Q: Can I Volunteer for this VHV Youth Campaign?
A: Yes You can. to volunteer for this campaign Contact your College/ Institute Coordinator or contact at the . . central information cell on 9250884449 or 9999691964 or write us at:
Q: Who can participate in this Campaign?
A: Anyone pursuing any course of Under Graduate and Post Graduate Level, can participate in this campaign
Q: I am studying in XII Class, Can I Participate in VHV Youth Campaign?
A: Sorry. You Can’t Participate in this Campaign. However there is a Separate Campaign for school students (6th . to 12th Class) i.e. VIVEKANANDA PRASNATTORI PRATIYOGITA for you. Contact us separately for that.
Q: I am into a professional Job. Can I volunteer for this campaign?
A: Yes, You are welcome to volunteer this campaign. Whenever you find time you can take part in this campaign.
Instructions For Coordinators
• First of all a coordinator has to be clear about the whole procedural details of Vijay Hi Vijay Youth Campaign.
• He/She has to be sound intellectually for explaining about the VHV Youth Campaign to whom he/she meets.
• You have to convince friends to take part in the campaign.
• You have to make your own team to conduct this campaign
• You have to make class room presentation about VHV Youth Campaign.
• You have to put posters at relevant locations of your institute/college.
• You have to put registrations desk at relevant location at your college/institute.
• You have to maintain records of number of books issued delivered, registration fees collected.
• You have to regularly update your teacher in charge of your college/institute and campus/zone coordinator.
All Coordinators will have a special training of two days (1st and 2nd Oct 2011) for conducting the Vijay hi Vijay One day workshop and Five day Residential camp. Selected coordinators will be Group Leaders and Organizing team member in the workshop and Residential Camp.
Thursday, March 10, 2011
Saturday, January 29, 2011
camp report.......................
विवेकानन्द केन्द्र कन्याकुमारी, दिल्ली विभाग द्वारा दिल्ली के युवाओं को देश और समाज के लिए कार्य करने एवं उनमें देशभक्ति की भावना पैदा करने के उद्देश्य को लेकर दिल्ली के इन्द्रप्रस्थ, आईआईटी, जेएनयू सहित दिल्ली विश्वविद्यालय के विभिन्न महाविद्यायलयों में विजय ही विजय युवा प्रेरणा प्रतियोगिता का आयोजन किया गया, जिसके तीसरे चरण के रूप में 700 युवाओं में से 85 युवाओं को पांच दिवसीय व्यक्तित्व विकास शिविर में सहभागिता करने का मौका मिला।
युवाओं को अपनी अदम्य साहस, ऊर्जा और शक्ति को पहचानने के उद्देश्य को लेकर 21-25 जनवरी 2011 को महाशय चुन्नीलाल सरस्वती विद्या मन्दिर, हरीनगर में संपन्न हुआ। 21 की शाम को पंजीकरण के साथ ही सभी युवाओं को पांच गणों में बांटा गया। गणों के नाम ब्रम्ह्रास, पृथ्वी, नाग, अग्नि और आकाश भारत की मिसाइलों के नाम पर रखा गया क्योंकि मिसाइलों का निर्माण विशेष लक्ष्य को लेकर किया जाता है। शिविर की दिनचर्या सवेरे 5 बजे से लेकर रात्रि 10.30 बजे तक युवाओं को शारीरिक, मानसिक और बौद्धिक तीनों स्तरों पर सर्वांगिण विकास को लेकर तैयार की गयी जिसमें 5.46 प्रातःस्मरण में संस्कृत के श्लोकों एवं ऐक्य मंत्र के साथ प्रारम्भ हुआ। 6 से 7.30 तक योगाभ्यास में शिथिलीकरण, सूर्यनमस्कार, आसन, प्राणायाम एवं मेडिटेशन करवाया गया। 7.30 बजे से गीता पठन गीता के कर्मयोग श्लोक संग्रह में से वाचन किया जाता। 8.30 अल्पाहार और फिर श्रम संस्कार के श्रम के प्रति हीन भावना को दूर करने के लिए मायापुरी औद्योगिक इलाके की कच्ची बस्ती में बच्चों को खेल और बस्ती के लोगों में साफ-सफाई और साक्षरता के प्रति जागरूक किया।
बौद्धिक विकास के लिए हर रोज दो बौद्धिक सत्रांे का आयोजन किया जाता जिसमें बनो और बनाओं, शत्रु की पहचान, एतिहासिक भ्रांतियां और यर्थात् आदि विषयों पर जानकारियां दी गई। इसके साथ विजय क्षणों में युवाओं को रक्षा, मीडिया, पुलिस आदि क्षेत्रों में अपनी पहचान रखने वाले लोगांे का बुलाकर युवओं से मिलवाया गया। क्रिडायोग में विभिन्न प्रकार के खेल जैस हाथी घोड़ा पालकी, टैंक युद्ध, चंदन छू और कहानी, आज्ञाओं, देशभक्ति गीतों के माध्यम से मानसिक विकास किया गया। शाम को भंजन संध्या में आध्यात्मिक एवं भक्तिपूर्ण गीतों से आध्यात्मिक विकास किया गया। रात को भोजन के बाद प्ररेणा से पुनरुत्थान में माननीय मुकुल कानिटकर द्वारा युवाओं की जिज्ञसाओं को शांत करने लिए प्रश्नोŸारी रखा जाता जिसमें युवाओं के सवालों के जबाब दिये जाते।
शिविर के अंतिम दिन आहुति सत्र में युवाओं ने देश और समाज में कार्य करने के लिए जीवनवर्ती, सेवावर्ती और स्थानीय कार्यकर्ता के रूप कार्य करने का संकल्प लिया। इसके साथ ही चार दिनों के अभ्यास से ही अंतिम दिन सामूहिक 108 सूर्यनस्कार का प्रदर्शन 80 युवाओं द्वारा किया गया। एक नई ऊर्जा, शक्ति और साहस के साथ राष्ट्र यज्ञ में आहुति देने के साथ ही सभी शिविरार्थियों ने भावपूर्ण विदाई ली।